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Tutorial on how to process excel (.xlsx) as BytesIO using xlsxwriter engine without storing the file


Learned something new today, how to generate file and download temporarily instead of processing and storing the file locally and taking up spaces!

Using FastAPI as the

In this tutorial, i used FastAPI as i was working on a simple project. You can by yourself using other frameworks such as flask or django. This tutorials requires you to have basic understanding of python programming, python package and fastapi.

Here's the full code

from fastapi import FastAPI
from fastapi.middleware.cors import CORSMiddleware
import uvicorn

import googlemaps
import pandas as pd

from slugify import slugify

from fastapi.responses import StreamingResponse

import io

def fastApp() -> FastAPI:
    app = FastAPI(title="Cari Makan", description="Cari Makan System")
    origins = [

    allow_origins= origins,
    return app

app = fastApp()

gmaps = googlemaps.Client(key='YourAPIKey')

async def download_data(place_id: str):

    place_id = place_id

    place =

    reviews = [] #empty list which will hold dictionaries of review
    if place.get('result', {}).get('reviews')!=None:
        for i in range(len( place['result']['reviews'])):
            text = place['result']['reviews'][i]['text']
            rating = place['result']['reviews'][i]['rating']
        df = pd.DataFrame(reviews)

        output = io.BytesIO()

        writer = pd.ExcelWriter(output, engine='xlsxwriter')
        file_name = slugify(place['result']['name'])
        result = df.to_excel(writer)
        xlsx_data = output.getvalue()

        return StreamingResponse(io.BytesIO(xlsx_data), media_type='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet', headers={
                "Content-Disposition": f'attachment; filename="{file_name}.xlsx"'
        return None

You can try this on one of my project here.

I'll explain later lol

Content coming soon! 😁